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5 Strategies For Parents To Raise Boys Well

The adults and elderly always say boys are tougher to raise as compared to girls. Many believe that whether they are raising boys or girls, both come with their own set of challenges but parenting them are not impossible tasks.

In a world where men are finally being held accountable if they behaved inappropriately and are facing consequences, many parents who are raising sons are facing a crucial question.

How do they raise sons who will respect and treat women well? How can they raise sons who are not afraid to display their emotions without being shamed?

Here are 5 strategies that can help families bring up boys that are kind and respectful:

1. Talk to them openly about your own experiences

Talking openly to sons

Source: Indian Express

Sadie Lincoln, founder of Barre3, talks openly to her son about moments when she’s been disrespected by men or society as a whole in the past. She shares with him what it’s like growing up as a girl and a young woman in a culture that doesn’t always respect women.

Lincoln showed him an overly Photoshopped image of her from one of the shoots and explained why it isn’t right to alter a woman’s body until she’s unrecognizable. They laugh about it now.

"I used this experience to talk about why it isn't OK to feed into a culture that sets women up to feel shame around our bodies. I talked to him about how it made me feel bad to have someone wipe away my wrinkles and veins, enlarge my breasts, and chisel my waist.

I find when I openly share my experience versus giving him direct advice, he then has the space to discern and learn for himself what is right or wrong and how he can act so that he is on the right side of the equation."

2. Talk to them about violent video games and limit screen time

Kids playing video games

Source: Babble

Research has shown the more time boys spend playing video games, whether it’s violent or safe games such as Minecraft, it undermines their social skills. Violent games lead boys to be less honest, less patient and more hostile.

Parents are recommended to limit their screen time and get the boys outdoors. It is not realistic to put an all-out ban so parents are advised to talk to their child about the violence in video games and what they should look out for and monitor in themselves.

3. Don’t teach them to be tough. Teach them to embrace femininity too.

Boy wearing an apron

Many boys and men commit suicide because they are unable to express their vulnerability in fear of being shamed. Boys grow up being told they are not supposed to cry and are supposed to be tough.

Instead, boys should be taught to embrace their feminine and masculine side as both are important. Embracing femininity does not only mean that they are allowed to cry. It also means to teach them to be kind to others and stand up for what’s right.

4. Let them express their anger

A child who's sad

Source: Sirap Limau

Clinical psychologist Genevieve Von Lob says it’s important to encourage sons to talk about their feelings and let them know you’ll listen to them without judgement. Boys need to know that it’s ok to feel emotions such as anger and also be guided on how to manage their anger properly.

Parents can help by providing tools to help channel their anger such as exercise, writing, screaming into a pillow, taking a break to breath or calming exercises.

Von Lob also emphasizes the importance to discuss what “being a man” really means, saying

"Young men need role models who can show them that being a man is not about succumbing to peer pressure but learning to trust their own judgment and respecting themselves and others, particularly in the way they relate to women.”

5. Be a good role model

Being a role model to son

Children follow what the adults do. In order to raise mindful and caring boys, parents should display model behaviours as well. When they see the adults being unafraid to show kindness and vulnerability from time to time, they’ll realize it’s alright and normal to be vulnerable and yet still be able to help others who need it.

Just like with all parenting tips, it works differently for each family. The most important thing to remember is to do your best and try to teach our young children well so they grow up to be respectful, kind and loving adults.

For more on raising sons, don't forget to check out the 7 tips to raise feminist boys!

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