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5 Best TV Dads Who Show How Much They Love Their TV Kids!

We usually remember the relationships between TV mums and their kids. Take for example in shows and films such as Superman and Gilmore Girls.

For this Father's Day, I did some reflecting and managed to think of a few great TV dads to honour!

Here are some of the greatest TV dads:

1. Keith Mars | Veronica Mars

Keith Mars is the father of Veronica Mars. They have a very close relationship and work together in his private investigation firm, Mars Investigations.

Both became outcasts when he accused a prominent figure in town for being a murderer of her daughter’s best friend.

Throughout their trials and tribulations, he has never left Veronica’s side although they were times they didn’t see eye to eye and argued.

He was there for her when she was bullied in school and she didn’t complain when they couldn’t make ends meet in a wealthy town.

One of the many turning points for the both of them was when Veronica came back to work in his firm although she has earned a law degree. He was, of course, very upset but still welcomed her into the company.

2. Quentin Lance | Arrow

Quentin Lance has been through a lot in the show. Both of his daughters became vigilantes and all he said when they made their choices known was just “Alright. So be it.”

Yes, it’s not the exact quote but that was generally how it went down in the show.

First, it was his youngest daughter Sara who became a member of the League of Assassins and then Laurel, his oldest, became the Black Canary.

Being a cop dad, he joined them by working with the Arrow and has followed the gang on several dangerous missions.

He wasn’t a perfect dad, being an alcoholic and all but he loves his daughters very much.

He kind of accepted that Sara intends to join the Legends too. He’s basically an all-out feminist dad.

3. Dr Jeremiah Danvers | Supergirl

Source: Screenrant

Dr Jeremiah Danvers and his family helped Superman manage and come to terms with his powers.

He then cared for Kara Zor-El, also Supergirl and Superman’s cousin, like his own daughter. It didn’t matter to him that she was an alien.

He is always protecting his daughters, Kara and Alex Danvers, although both of them can hold out on their own!

4. Phil Dunphy | Modern Family

Phil Dunphy is the epitome of the fun dad. He is funny, jokey and may embarrass his family but he still loves them a lot.

He has an archive of funny and memorable advice just like his father-in-law, Jay Pritchett.

Phil loves helping his kids and extended family achieve their dreams no matter how crazy it is and sometimes he even makes his own dreams happen!

5. Homer Simpson | The Simpsons

Homer walks in between the best and worst dad line.

He is messy, unhealthy and lazy but God forbid when someone bullies his daughter Lisa or treats his family badly.

He isn’t a perfect dad but he tries to help his kids with school work (although he fails) and guide them in life (although he isn’t great at it either).

He doesn’t understand Lisa’s interests but indulges her by letting her go for music classes and even do adult things like holding a petition or protest in town.

Homer has failed his family many times but will also make up for it by the episode’s end.

Obviously, there are plenty of other great TV dads out there other than the ones in this list. Who is a great TV dad for you? Let me know in the comments!

Better yet, remember to show love and appreciation to your dad daily and not just on Father's Day!

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